Cosmetic Dentistry

About cosmetic dentistry

Cosmetic dentistry enhances a person’s smile through various non-invasive techniques. One of the main concerns about cosmetic treatments may not be effective, but each technique has been studied and proven to work.

Cosmetic dentistry, also known as esthetic dentistry, is the field of dentistry focused on restoring and improving a person’s smile. Smile design can be accomplished with other restorations such as porcelain veneers, dental bonding, or teeth whitening.

The term “cosmetic dentistry” is often used interchangeably with “smile design,” but the two terms are not synonymous. Smile design comprises all treatment that enhances your appearance, including bleaching or attaching crowns, while cosmetic dentistry encompasses surgical and non-surgical techniques to improve your oral health. Treatment can range from changing the color of one tooth to an entire smile makeover where teeth are straightened, aligned, and whitened.

Cosmetic dentistry can help to boost a patient’s self-esteem because everyone wants a healthy smile. If you have any questions or want your smile to look better, visit a dentist specializing in cosmetic procedures.

Many types of procedures are available for those who feel their teeth need some extra care. The following paragraphs will describe three standard methods: bleaching, bonding, and veneers.

Benefits of cosmetic dentistry

Cosmetic dentistry is not just about improving the appearance of a patient’s teeth. There are many benefits to these treatments because they can be used to correct several issues such as:

  • asymmetry between the upper and lower teeth
  • spaces between teeth or gaps in between front or back teeth
  • discolorations of enamel range from mild yellowing to cracks and cavities
  • worn down tooth edges, besides being unsightly it may cause discomfort while eating to
  • large crowns that have become misshapen due to age or wear and tear, especially if you grind your teeth at night, which causes further damage over time. Besides cosmetic procedures, people can benefit from having their teeth straightened through orthodontic treatments to keep them clean and healthy

Another advantage of cosmetic dentistry is that you do not have to be in pain or uncomfortable for the procedure, which makes it ideal for people afraid of receiving dental treatment. Lastly, even if your dentist states you need a filling because you have chipped, misaligned, or slightly discolored teeth, it does not mean this treatment will cause pain. Most procedures fall under the ‘pain-free’ category, so patients can feel relaxed while undergoing these treatments.

Who is It for cosmetic dentistry

Cosmetic dentistry is used to help individuals with minor issues regarding smiles that they want to be solved without having to go through invasive procedures that may not be required.

Cosmetic dentistry is for people unhappy about their smile, whether it’s the color of their teeth or spacing between their front teeth. It can also help patients who have misshapen teeth because of aging, grinding at night, or even because they fell and fractured them. Cosmetic treatment has no age limit, so adults, teenagers, and children can get help with any cosmetic problems they notice.

Who is it NOT for?

Most commonly, people get cosmetic treatments if they have some issues with the appearance of their smile, but this does not mean every individual in need will receive care. There are several reasons why a dentist’s decline provides you with dental treatment. These reasons are:

  • if the patient does not have a sufficient amount of enamel left on their teeth
  • the dentist at Jupiter Advanced Dentistry has concerns about the health of the patient’s general oral condition because it may prevent effective treatments from being carried out
  • specific procedures are too complicated for disclosing individuals
  • they feel that one procedure is enough to solve all issues regarding your smile

For example, if you need crowns and veneers but only want the white film covering your front teeth removed, you will be declined due to it not being possible to carry out this treatment.


Cosmetic dentistry enhances an individual’s smile by repairing minor, aesthetic problems such as discolored and chipped teeth instead of forcing them to wear uncomfortable and unattractive dentures. Cosmetic treatments are pain-free, so individuals can avoid receiving the dental care that makes them very nervous and anxious. Lastly, cosmetic treatment does not have an age limit allowing adults, teenagers, and children to look after their teeth and smile.